All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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3 books by Gwyneth Jones

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White Queen
by Gwyneth Jones
Winner of the first James Tiptree, Jr.. Memorial Award for SF about gender issues, White Queen is a dazzling vision of an out-of-control future from the author of Divine Endurance. It's 2038. Japan has been destroyed by geologic catastrophe. The global economy is in chaos. And Johnny Guglioli, a young wirehead cyberjournalist infected with a very deadly computer virus, follows the trail of a group of extraterrestrials who have landed somewhere in West Africa. But when Johnny finally finds the aliens, they're far different from anything he could have imagined: Mysterious. Telepathic. Nearly immortal. And driven by a dark imperative that may cost humanity its future.
Winner of the first Tiptree award
genderqueer, queered culture, 1991 Adult

Divine Endurance
by Gwyneth Jones

Series: Divine Endurance
Book 1 of 2
Chosen Among The Beautiful is the oldest little girl in the world. Divine Endurance is the wisest cat that ever lived. Traveling together, they can change the face of the future!
Lesbian characters, set in Indonesia
lesbian, setting, queered culture,, race Southeast Asian 1984 Adult

by Gwyneth Jones

Series: Divine Endurance
Book 2 of 2
Flowerdust is a companion novel to Divine Endurance, set in the same strange and distant future in Southeast Asia, where a matriarchy is both supported and threatened by the mysterious technology of foreigners in great offshore ships. Its heroine is Derveet, a charismatic political rebel leader. A powerful drug, Flowerdust, is causing trouble in the refugee camps, threatening to precipitate revolution too soon. Derveet sets out to stop the spread of the drug and in the process uncovers a secret plot of the mysterious Rulers. And behind the scenes, Divine Endurance and Chosen Among the Beautiful lurk in the shadows.
Set in Southeast Asia, queer characters
lesbian, setting, queered culture, , race Southeast Asian 1995 Adult

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